Thursday, September 8, 2011

[FREE] What up dudes?

First week and 2 days of school have been really interesting. I already know it’s going to be difficult. But it just means I got to try hard and do my best. Don’t really have a computer anymore. It broke 2 days ago. So I’ve been scrambling around lately trying to find one. Luckily I found my cousin and he didn’t want to go to track practice. SCORE. So I wrote my five hundred word biweekly post.
            I’m glad my computer was slightly working, so I wrote down my biweekly post on a note pad and transferred it onto a hard drive. So only took me about 10 minutes to do everything. Today I’m at the library, doing 3 blog posts and some history homework. It’s kind of a good thing, because I’m forced to work rather than procrastinate like would at home.
            Today’s weather was pretty awesome. But I dislike this California weather. It’s always really cold in the morning and either really warm or hot during the afternoon. So it’s hard to pick out what to wear. School was alright today. I have a bunch of assignments. But after I’m done I plan on watching a volleyball game.
            This blogging thing is really new to me. I mean I have a Tumblr. But I mostly post photography and rant on about things. I’ve never done this in an English class before. I like this a lot better. To me it is pretty easy. So far… I’ll usually post random facts after my free post. So, random fact of the day is, I can’t go through a day without listening to music. Till’ next time my fellow readers.

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