Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[CE] Solider Mistakens 1 Human Out of a Billion.

Some people make mistakes. But this one took a life.
A US soldier shot dead an Afghan journalist working for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in July after mistaking him for a suicide bomber, the NATO-led military force in Afghanistan has said.
This is insane. This just goes to show how people look at someone and make assumptions very quickly. As it said, the solider mistakes a man for a suicide bomber. In the world we live in anything can happen at any time. Just because he thought he was a bomber doesn’t mean you can’t think before you pull the trigger. Because of it a life was taken. The man could’ve been with his family and kids, or enjoying his life.
            I'm aware that soldiers are supposed to be very cautious and alerted. Over the years of my life, I've just seen more bad news everywhere. And more people are dying more every year. Sometimes I think soldiers can be very racist. I'm not saying that this is true but I believe some troops target people they assume they’re a threat. It's not right to make assumptions.
            I don’t understand why we’re still in a war. They say they’re fighting for our freedom. But I think they’re fighting for oil, money, etc. This war has been going on for a long time. Wars don’t solve anything. I’m really wondering what the man who accidently got killed was doing. Was he sitting down enjoying the day? Was he having a bad day? I don’t think he was much of a threat.  And the soldier who killed this man did not get punished at all. I think if you accidently kill a INNOCENT man, there should be consequences.

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