Friday, September 16, 2011

[FREE] School is out.

      Third week of school is done. Got a new math teacher, Miss Chaney. She seems pretty dope. This Alameda weather is so unpredictable. It's never cold or hot. It's alwas cold in the morning then hot in the afternoon and the other way around.
      School so far is alright. Not like freshmen year when everything was so new to me. Places you can eat, ways to get around school. It's my second year of high school and I'm already tired of seeing Alameda High. Haha. Anyway, my teachers seem chill.
      I have English first period with, oh you probably know already. Second peroid I have Spanish 2. Mrs.Yeo is so dope, the way she usually teaches is through games and songs. Third period I have P.E. I love P.E minus the running. Haha. Then forth period I have current life. Intresting class, learn something new everyday in that class. After is lunch time! My favorite time of the day! Then off to fifth period for modern world history. REALLY boring class. Teacher got fired so the school's trying to find a replacemeant. Lastly sixth period. Algebra 2, probably the only thing that makes that class fun is having it with my buddies Jason and David.
      Walked home, it was windy then hot with no breeze then it became cloudy. I think this year is going to be pretty fun. Even though I said that last year, but then again last year was ridiculously fun. I wish Alameda was known for their beach. Crab Cove is dirty and the sand isn't even sand, it's dirt. And it's filled with garbage like, cigarette buds, bottles, condoms, a variety of things. But if was known for the beach I would go whenever I had some free time. Just chillaxin by the sea, watching the sun set. RANDOM FACT OF THE DAY: Unless my hair is getting too long, I'm always wearing a hat or a beanie. No matter where I go. haha. Till' next time my tastey little lemon drops.

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