Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[RE] I want to punch this girl in the face.

Checking out my homie Gary's blog, I came across this.
While watching videos on youtube, I came across this video that I've seen and probably been on the news about Alexandra Wallace or her internet name Racist UCLA Student. Basically she posted a 3 minute video on youtube about asians in the library. She complains that asians in the library are loud and selfish. Wallace continues on with "I swear they're going through their whole families just checking everybody from the tsunami thing". She refers to the disaster of Japan when 1st there was an earthquake then a tsunami. Leading me to another christian girl that thanks god for attacking Japan.

             I found about this video awhile back on YouTube. This girl has some guts to be making a racial video to all Asians worldwide. She rants on and on about how much she dislikes Asians. When I first saw the video I became really mad. I said to myself, “If I ever see this girl, I will punch her in the face.” (Not literally) And what’s insanely crazy, is that she has Asian friends!
            Another crazy thing is, she didn’t get in trouble at all for it! I seriously can’t believe the school didn’t do anything. I’m glad that most of the people who watched the video, hated her instantly. I heard that she is getting a bunch of threat emails. If this is true, she deserves it 100%.  Being racist is really messed up. Especially when a tragic event happened and you make jokes about it.
            She rants on about how Asians are bad at driving, have small eyes, etc. Sure some of Asians are bad drivers or have small eyes, but not all. I wonder what the whole school and people around the world think about her now. I bet she gets a lot of stank eyes and what not. Jokes are funny. But taking it too far doesn’t make it funny at all. She just made herself look stupid to everyone. Her whole life she is now going to be looked at differently. A billion apologies won’t help fix anything either. She is permanently going to be “that” girl that everyone hates.

1 comment:

  1. Can I put in a plea for forgiveness here? Yes what she did was stupid (I haven't seen the video and don't want to, though I've heard about it plenty) and my understanding is that there HAVE been serious consequences for her. Whether we can say anybody "deserves" hate mail and threats etc. is another question, but in any case I would bet a million bucks that she is super sorry she made it.

    Let's face it: We ALL have blind spots. We ALL have areas of ignorance when it comes to other people. Yeah, some folks seem to act more ignorant than others, but hating them for it does not seem like a solution to me.

    Isn't the title of your blog "Cool. Calm. Peace."? :P
