Wednesday, September 7, 2011

[BC] Hello World!

   Hello everyone. My name is Christian Mark Villanueva. I am fifteen, turning sixteen in November. I am a sophomore at Alameda High School. First impression of me is usually, very funny, nice, lazy and tall. As my friends tell me. I'm Filipino, but born here in America.
          A couple of my hobbies are biking, playing the ukulele and guitar, and playing sports. I first learned how to ride a bike when I was about 12. I tried everything from Heelys to skateboarding, which weren't very successful. But biking was. Ever since then I've feel in love with biking. I LOVE playing the guitar and ukulele. I picked up a guitar first about 4 years ago. Took lessons for less than a year because lessons are very expensive. Plus classes were only 30 minutes which was a waste of money. After I stopped taking lessons, I would just search Google and YouTube for tutorials for songs while I already knew the basics. Then I was introduced by the sweet mellow sound of a ukulele a few years after. The ukulele, a very fun and small instrument easy to take with me anywhere. Still learning a few things here and there. Lastly sports, I play basketball and volleyball. Played both for fun, but in 7th grade joined my first basketball league and freshmen year made it on junior varsity volleyball team.
       Let us have a little talk about me personally and some of my family's history. I'm Filipino, but born here in America or "the states" as my family calls it. Since I was born here and not in the hometown of my parents, I am considered a Filipino American or my people like to call it, "Fil-Am". Both my parents were born in Angeles, Pampanga, Philippines. A little town below the main city, Manila. They moved here to America around the 1980's as immigrants. My Father living with 3 brothers and a sister in a two bedroom apartment. And my mother living with 5 brothers and 2 sisters in a 3 bedroom. Both starting living a tough life. But after getting multiple amounts of jobs and hard working. My parents are both have full time jobs and are now American citizens. Couple years after coming to America and my mom and dad getting married, they had my sister Arlene in 1988, then seven years later came me. Born November 29, 1995.
      I have a couple writing goals this year. I want to work on grabbing a readers attention. Also practice writing good sentences rather than a run on. And lastly write about exciting topics. I tend to write about boring things at times.
     Well I hope you've learned a little about my family history and some of my hobbies. I enjoy having assignments on a blog. Really changes up how I usually do things in a English class. I have a feeling that if i work hard and do my best, this year will be very fun. Till' next time my fellow readers. 


1 comment:

  1. Hey, Christian! ((((((:
    You should totally play something for the upcoming talent show with your little uke, ya lil Fil-Am.
    Your blog looks hella nice and you're a pretty interesting guy!
    I like how you put the little phrase after your blogs: "Till next time, my fellow readers."
    Super cute. I think that'll be something original only you'll have, but yeah!
    Keep it up! I'm subscribed, so keep me interested and entertained. lolzzzz
