Thursday, September 22, 2011

CE: Officer Down

Reading some posts about current events I came upon this.
At least eight people, six of them police officers, have been killed in the Pakistani commercial capital of Karachi after an explosives-laden car drove into the home of a senior police officer.
Some people are insanely crazy. At least EIGHT people died. Over the years of seeing multiply deaths and death counts rising, eight doesn't seem like a large amount of people dead. Or maybe it's just me? Anyway, people who kill themselves to kill others are pretty sick in the head. Why would you want to die from a crime, unless you are already a criminal? People ask questions like, why security is so strict nowadays and why people can't bring the simplest things at times on a plane. Watch the news for a week and I'll guarantee you'll know why.
Teens make immature jokes about bombs. Let's say someone's ringtone sounds like a count down and a teen will say, "I hear a bomb." Or a person is wearing a turbine and a teen will say, "Oh look, he probably has a bomb in there." And also I've heard some people assume that 7Elevens have bombs in them, and you'll see people laugh about it. But when people die from a bomb or if you were in a situation that involved a gun I don't think there is a joke to be made then.
          It's insane how the ideal weapon to kill easily without a trace is a bomb. It can be planted or be in anything from daily items like a suitcase or a car etc. Bomb killings happen most often as well. And I haven't seen bomb killings raise until 9-11 happened. After that criminals say how supreme bombs were. Eight lives were taken that day. From one individual. Who was crazy enough to kill himself? I don't see the point. What do you get out of killing yourself rather than a funeral and a sad family? I wonder when all this killing and chaos will ever end. But as of right now, it seems as though it's only escalating.

RE: Common struggles of a Filipino Maid

 I feel that it is unfair that Filipinos in the Philippines aren't being treated with respect, especially when they are only working for $18 a month for endless hours. Not only do they do chores, but they also have to take care of their boss's kids. Aside from working/babysitting, they are abused and harassed after making such little mistakes, like not cooking the right food, not fully completing what they have to do. They are maids, but they are being treated almost as if they were slaves. Because of this, they are wanting to leave their country for better salary and to be treat with more respect.
          Got this piece from my home girl Josephine. The way some Filipinos treat their maids are horrible. Some get harrased sexually, some get beat up for things they didn't do right. I took a trip to the Philippines with my dad about three years ago, more or less. That is the first time I've seen someone disrespect and treat someone as if they were some sort of slave. My grandparents have a maid as well. But they treat her as if she was one of their children. She also got a good salary too.
           I'm not sure if it's just because my granparents are old and sweet. But it seems as though younger people treat their maids unfairly. One day I visited my uncle's friend's place. We were sitting outside relaxing in some shade while the sun was slowly setting. And the next minute I hear him yell the maid's name, which I can't remember. She came over and waited to recieve orders. He yelled at her just to get him a beer. I told my uncle I didn't like this man very much and I wanted to leave. But I didn't know how to get back to my grandparents house by myself so I was forced to stay
           It was dinner time the man kept yelling at her and telling her to harry up. The man ended up going in the kitchen and slapped her in the face for taking too long to make food. The lady looked terrified. A lot of Filipino people move to the U.S because they think they have a better life here. The Philippines is a crazy place. And so are the people. I believe that the maids should be treated as you would want to be treated with respect and politeness.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[FREE] Yeah Bro.

It's 8:18. It's Tuesday. It's Cold, although the sun is shining. And I'm tired. It's a block day today, really not looking forward to any of my other classes. Summer came rather late this year. Yesterday was fucking hot. Just walking to the Alameda Free Library, I was sweaty. My head is throbbing, and my eyes feel heavy. 
            My weather app on my phone said it was going to be 76 degrees today. SWEETNESS. That's like the perfect weather. Too bad summer came late. During summer vacation you couldn't do anything, clouds and showers were making some kids stay at home. I didn't give a fuck weather it was raining or not. I went on so many bike rides with my homies. We would just ride all around Alameda. That shit occupied me all summer. It was super duper fun.
            Chillin in this room full of computers while putting my IPod on shuffle. It's playing everything I want it to. It's playing Tyler the Creator, Lauryn Hill, A Tribe Called Quest to N.E.R.D. I love music. Preferably underground. Like MF Doom, Mellow Hype and Zion I. What's pretty dope is that Zion I is from Oakland. But MF Doom is probably has been my favorite since I found out about him few years ago.
            I watched the news today. First thing I heard was about man that had been shot in the Mission District in San Francisco. I always wonder what’s going in their minds. I swear, every year I grow up I notice how much more crime starts to happen.
            Well. Here’s the free post for the week. ‘Till next time strangers. RANDOM  FACT OF THE DAY: I like jazz music. It’s something I listen to while I do errands or chores around the house.


Friday, September 16, 2011

[FREE] School is out.

      Third week of school is done. Got a new math teacher, Miss Chaney. She seems pretty dope. This Alameda weather is so unpredictable. It's never cold or hot. It's alwas cold in the morning then hot in the afternoon and the other way around.
      School so far is alright. Not like freshmen year when everything was so new to me. Places you can eat, ways to get around school. It's my second year of high school and I'm already tired of seeing Alameda High. Haha. Anyway, my teachers seem chill.
      I have English first period with, oh you probably know already. Second peroid I have Spanish 2. Mrs.Yeo is so dope, the way she usually teaches is through games and songs. Third period I have P.E. I love P.E minus the running. Haha. Then forth period I have current life. Intresting class, learn something new everyday in that class. After is lunch time! My favorite time of the day! Then off to fifth period for modern world history. REALLY boring class. Teacher got fired so the school's trying to find a replacemeant. Lastly sixth period. Algebra 2, probably the only thing that makes that class fun is having it with my buddies Jason and David.
      Walked home, it was windy then hot with no breeze then it became cloudy. I think this year is going to be pretty fun. Even though I said that last year, but then again last year was ridiculously fun. I wish Alameda was known for their beach. Crab Cove is dirty and the sand isn't even sand, it's dirt. And it's filled with garbage like, cigarette buds, bottles, condoms, a variety of things. But if was known for the beach I would go whenever I had some free time. Just chillaxin by the sea, watching the sun set. RANDOM FACT OF THE DAY: Unless my hair is getting too long, I'm always wearing a hat or a beanie. No matter where I go. haha. Till' next time my tastey little lemon drops.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[RE] I want to punch this girl in the face.

Checking out my homie Gary's blog, I came across this.
While watching videos on youtube, I came across this video that I've seen and probably been on the news about Alexandra Wallace or her internet name Racist UCLA Student. Basically she posted a 3 minute video on youtube about asians in the library. She complains that asians in the library are loud and selfish. Wallace continues on with "I swear they're going through their whole families just checking everybody from the tsunami thing". She refers to the disaster of Japan when 1st there was an earthquake then a tsunami. Leading me to another christian girl that thanks god for attacking Japan.

             I found about this video awhile back on YouTube. This girl has some guts to be making a racial video to all Asians worldwide. She rants on and on about how much she dislikes Asians. When I first saw the video I became really mad. I said to myself, “If I ever see this girl, I will punch her in the face.” (Not literally) And what’s insanely crazy, is that she has Asian friends!
            Another crazy thing is, she didn’t get in trouble at all for it! I seriously can’t believe the school didn’t do anything. I’m glad that most of the people who watched the video, hated her instantly. I heard that she is getting a bunch of threat emails. If this is true, she deserves it 100%.  Being racist is really messed up. Especially when a tragic event happened and you make jokes about it.
            She rants on about how Asians are bad at driving, have small eyes, etc. Sure some of Asians are bad drivers or have small eyes, but not all. I wonder what the whole school and people around the world think about her now. I bet she gets a lot of stank eyes and what not. Jokes are funny. But taking it too far doesn’t make it funny at all. She just made herself look stupid to everyone. Her whole life she is now going to be looked at differently. A billion apologies won’t help fix anything either. She is permanently going to be “that” girl that everyone hates.

[CE] Solider Mistakens 1 Human Out of a Billion.

Some people make mistakes. But this one took a life.
A US soldier shot dead an Afghan journalist working for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in July after mistaking him for a suicide bomber, the NATO-led military force in Afghanistan has said.
This is insane. This just goes to show how people look at someone and make assumptions very quickly. As it said, the solider mistakes a man for a suicide bomber. In the world we live in anything can happen at any time. Just because he thought he was a bomber doesn’t mean you can’t think before you pull the trigger. Because of it a life was taken. The man could’ve been with his family and kids, or enjoying his life.
            I'm aware that soldiers are supposed to be very cautious and alerted. Over the years of my life, I've just seen more bad news everywhere. And more people are dying more every year. Sometimes I think soldiers can be very racist. I'm not saying that this is true but I believe some troops target people they assume they’re a threat. It's not right to make assumptions.
            I don’t understand why we’re still in a war. They say they’re fighting for our freedom. But I think they’re fighting for oil, money, etc. This war has been going on for a long time. Wars don’t solve anything. I’m really wondering what the man who accidently got killed was doing. Was he sitting down enjoying the day? Was he having a bad day? I don’t think he was much of a threat.  And the soldier who killed this man did not get punished at all. I think if you accidently kill a INNOCENT man, there should be consequences.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

[FREE] What up dudes?

First week and 2 days of school have been really interesting. I already know it’s going to be difficult. But it just means I got to try hard and do my best. Don’t really have a computer anymore. It broke 2 days ago. So I’ve been scrambling around lately trying to find one. Luckily I found my cousin and he didn’t want to go to track practice. SCORE. So I wrote my five hundred word biweekly post.
            I’m glad my computer was slightly working, so I wrote down my biweekly post on a note pad and transferred it onto a hard drive. So only took me about 10 minutes to do everything. Today I’m at the library, doing 3 blog posts and some history homework. It’s kind of a good thing, because I’m forced to work rather than procrastinate like would at home.
            Today’s weather was pretty awesome. But I dislike this California weather. It’s always really cold in the morning and either really warm or hot during the afternoon. So it’s hard to pick out what to wear. School was alright today. I have a bunch of assignments. But after I’m done I plan on watching a volleyball game.
            This blogging thing is really new to me. I mean I have a Tumblr. But I mostly post photography and rant on about things. I’ve never done this in an English class before. I like this a lot better. To me it is pretty easy. So far… I’ll usually post random facts after my free post. So, random fact of the day is, I can’t go through a day without listening to music. Till’ next time my fellow readers.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

[BC] Hello World!

   Hello everyone. My name is Christian Mark Villanueva. I am fifteen, turning sixteen in November. I am a sophomore at Alameda High School. First impression of me is usually, very funny, nice, lazy and tall. As my friends tell me. I'm Filipino, but born here in America.
          A couple of my hobbies are biking, playing the ukulele and guitar, and playing sports. I first learned how to ride a bike when I was about 12. I tried everything from Heelys to skateboarding, which weren't very successful. But biking was. Ever since then I've feel in love with biking. I LOVE playing the guitar and ukulele. I picked up a guitar first about 4 years ago. Took lessons for less than a year because lessons are very expensive. Plus classes were only 30 minutes which was a waste of money. After I stopped taking lessons, I would just search Google and YouTube for tutorials for songs while I already knew the basics. Then I was introduced by the sweet mellow sound of a ukulele a few years after. The ukulele, a very fun and small instrument easy to take with me anywhere. Still learning a few things here and there. Lastly sports, I play basketball and volleyball. Played both for fun, but in 7th grade joined my first basketball league and freshmen year made it on junior varsity volleyball team.
       Let us have a little talk about me personally and some of my family's history. I'm Filipino, but born here in America or "the states" as my family calls it. Since I was born here and not in the hometown of my parents, I am considered a Filipino American or my people like to call it, "Fil-Am". Both my parents were born in Angeles, Pampanga, Philippines. A little town below the main city, Manila. They moved here to America around the 1980's as immigrants. My Father living with 3 brothers and a sister in a two bedroom apartment. And my mother living with 5 brothers and 2 sisters in a 3 bedroom. Both starting living a tough life. But after getting multiple amounts of jobs and hard working. My parents are both have full time jobs and are now American citizens. Couple years after coming to America and my mom and dad getting married, they had my sister Arlene in 1988, then seven years later came me. Born November 29, 1995.
      I have a couple writing goals this year. I want to work on grabbing a readers attention. Also practice writing good sentences rather than a run on. And lastly write about exciting topics. I tend to write about boring things at times.
     Well I hope you've learned a little about my family history and some of my hobbies. I enjoy having assignments on a blog. Really changes up how I usually do things in a English class. I have a feeling that if i work hard and do my best, this year will be very fun. Till' next time my fellow readers.