Tuesday, October 25, 2011

RE: Alameda

Everyone always says that Alameda is hella boring, theres nothing to do here, and that they wanna leave as soon as possible but honestly, I love Alameda. I've always loved it here.
 The thing I love most about Alameda is about how small the city/town is. I don't know why but I would prefer to be in a small community than a big city like San Francisco or something. It's just hella chill to me. You know where everything is, you know how to get around, and most people know each other here.The whole environmental is just relaxing to me too. Everything about the atmosphere here is relaxing.
Copped this off my homie Peter. I agree with him. Growing up here, I've learned to love it. I love how small Alameda is, I can just commute to the places I need to go to. Although you can find yourself doing the samething or not having anything to do, I like to explore. I'll grab my bike, go with some homies and go to parts of Alameda I've never been to. And sometimes you'll find cool little joints here and there. I was born and raised here, and as the years gone by, I’ve made a butt load of memories here.
          Alameda is really laid back and chill. Some areas are really quite, and some are loud like busy streets. I like going to the beach, even though it sucks and it's filled with garbage, but it's uber quite at times and it's just nice to chillax. Sometimes I feel the need to get away. Alameda is a pretty good island too. Not big for it's crimes. And the people here are really nice. Plus the places to eat out here are pretty bomb. Also theres one cool boutique called District. They got the dopest gear there. I usually buy caps or shirts there. Their shoes and jackets are cool beans. They also have a cool little hat shop that sells cool caps. But they’re pretty over priced. Even though Alameda can have it’s up and downs. I don’t think I’d want to live anywhere else but here.

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