Wednesday, October 12, 2011

FREE: Wednesday

          It's Wednesday, the middle of the week. I wish it was Friday. Recently Steve Jobs died which is insanely crazy. The guy changed the world, and may his soul rest in heaven. Anyway, got my progress report in the mail yesterday. My mom was extremely pissed. I not even going to deny it, I have not been doing my homework lately.
          Homework has always been an issue for me. I can never do all my homework for a whole week which is very disappointing to me. Off that subject, today was kind of lame and boring. Fell asleep in my current life class. I snored once really loud and when I looked up the whole class looked at me and laughed as did I.
          I love biking, but I grew out of my frame and now in need of a bigger one. I borrowed my friend's bike during the summer. Maybe like 5 times altogether. May not sound like a lot but I would ride that thing for hours on end. Never stopped pedaling unless there was a red light of course.
          The weather lately has been crazy. It poured Monday and half a day yesterday and now it is hot as hell. I want it to feel cold not raining but just cold. My birthday is coming up soon. November 29th. Super stoked turning 16! I could've sworn I was 10 years old last year. And Christmas is coming soon as well. Not asking for much. I just want some cash so I can save up some money for an MPC and if you don't know what that is here's a link: -This is one of the dopest guys making beats, his name is Memorecks. My goodness this guy is an maniac. The grey and black think thing with the grey buttons is an MPC. I've always been intrigued with beats. And I plan on making my own.

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