Tuesday, October 25, 2011

RE: Alameda

Everyone always says that Alameda is hella boring, theres nothing to do here, and that they wanna leave as soon as possible but honestly, I love Alameda. I've always loved it here.
 The thing I love most about Alameda is about how small the city/town is. I don't know why but I would prefer to be in a small community than a big city like San Francisco or something. It's just hella chill to me. You know where everything is, you know how to get around, and most people know each other here.The whole environmental is just relaxing to me too. Everything about the atmosphere here is relaxing.
Copped this off my homie Peter. I agree with him. Growing up here, I've learned to love it. I love how small Alameda is, I can just commute to the places I need to go to. Although you can find yourself doing the samething or not having anything to do, I like to explore. I'll grab my bike, go with some homies and go to parts of Alameda I've never been to. And sometimes you'll find cool little joints here and there. I was born and raised here, and as the years gone by, I’ve made a butt load of memories here.
          Alameda is really laid back and chill. Some areas are really quite, and some are loud like busy streets. I like going to the beach, even though it sucks and it's filled with garbage, but it's uber quite at times and it's just nice to chillax. Sometimes I feel the need to get away. Alameda is a pretty good island too. Not big for it's crimes. And the people here are really nice. Plus the places to eat out here are pretty bomb. Also theres one cool boutique called District. They got the dopest gear there. I usually buy caps or shirts there. Their shoes and jackets are cool beans. They also have a cool little hat shop that sells cool caps. But they’re pretty over priced. Even though Alameda can have it’s up and downs. I don’t think I’d want to live anywhere else but here.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

CE: Flooding in Thailand

 The government of Thailand is refusing to declare a state of emergency despite widespread flooding.

Flood waters have already affected one third of the country and are now threatening the capital.

Officials say any declaration will cause unnecessary panic and scare away foreign investors and tourists, worsening a disaster that has already cost the country billions of dollars.
          I think Thailand is crazy. They've had major flooding the past few weeks/months and another one may becoming towards their capital and they say there's no need for emergency warnings and evacuation? They say there shouldn't be anything to worry about.
          It's never bad to be too safe. It's for the better. They don't want to give out warnings because they don't want tourist and foreign investors to panic and they'll lose money. I'd say it's a 50/50  chance. If the flood rolls through, those dirt walls won't help. If it tears down property of a foreign owner and tourist are around, it'll be a much bigger disaster.
          A big amount of lines are at stake here and they don't want to do prepare for something that can destroy land, buildings and other house holds. If I were mayor or president, I'd tell my people to get the hell out of Bangkok and get to higher ground. Although they say people shouldn't worry and not state this as an emergency, it should be considered a big threat and everyone needs to get to safe ground.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

FREE: Wednesday

          It's Wednesday, the middle of the week. I wish it was Friday. Recently Steve Jobs died which is insanely crazy. The guy changed the world, and may his soul rest in heaven. Anyway, got my progress report in the mail yesterday. My mom was extremely pissed. I not even going to deny it, I have not been doing my homework lately.
          Homework has always been an issue for me. I can never do all my homework for a whole week which is very disappointing to me. Off that subject, today was kind of lame and boring. Fell asleep in my current life class. I snored once really loud and when I looked up the whole class looked at me and laughed as did I.
          I love biking, but I grew out of my frame and now in need of a bigger one. I borrowed my friend's bike during the summer. Maybe like 5 times altogether. May not sound like a lot but I would ride that thing for hours on end. Never stopped pedaling unless there was a red light of course.
          The weather lately has been crazy. It poured Monday and half a day yesterday and now it is hot as hell. I want it to feel cold not raining but just cold. My birthday is coming up soon. November 29th. Super stoked turning 16! I could've sworn I was 10 years old last year. And Christmas is coming soon as well. Not asking for much. I just want some cash so I can save up some money for an MPC and if you don't know what that is here's a link: http://youtu.be/Os0w0HdLU3I -This is one of the dopest guys making beats, his name is Memorecks. My goodness this guy is an maniac. The grey and black think thing with the grey buttons is an MPC. I've always been intrigued with beats. And I plan on making my own.

BC: Steve Jobs Made Apples Cool.

When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

—Steve Jobs, in a 2005 speech

Steve Jobs changed the world. He inspired everyone from everywhere, from musicians/producers, artist, businesses, etc. He made jobs and daily life easier with his extremely high tech MacBook laptops, computers, and other amazing gadgets. I still can't believe he's been in the business since 1970's. And that he built iTunes form the ground up. Ever since he's made the MacBook or the IPod, etc. Everyone's been trying to make something similar to it. It is amazing what Steve Jobs has done. He literally made the first touch screen phone/MP3 device. It's easy to forget how one person started a revolution.
I agree with his quote, "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And he said if it was "No" too many days in a row, he knew he had to change something. Now to me, I don't understand the quote fully, but I get a sense of what he's saying.
The quote he lived by required a lot of thinking. It made you plan out your whole day. "Should I do this today?" "Well, I have to do this..." "But I really shouldn't be doing..." Another way of putting the direction Steve Jobs was going is. Live life to the fullest and live as though you'll be gone tomorrow. It's like saying, "Should I hate my teacher just because we get piles of homework?" and the answer should be no.
Another scenario, let’s say you went to the doctor and he told you, you will die in 24 hours. Do your homework, talk to that girl, and help out your mom, make a good impression of yourself. If you were to die tomorrow, people will remember you as the kid who never did his homework. Your mom would remember you as an unthankful child although she will miss you dearly. And the girl you've liked for the past month or so, who you never talked to, will never truly know the really you. Let people remember you as a successful person and not a failure.
Lastly, live today like it's your last. Focus on the present, stop worrying and stressing about the future or the past. Past should be forgotten. God gave your eyes in front of you and not on the back of your head, because he wanted you to go forward and forget about the past. "Live in the present and not the past", I once read. I like to follow that quote. Starting up a new day I wake up, shower, eat breakfast then head to school. After school I get home do my homework, talk to some friends, or play some videos games afterwards and then sleep. Starting up the new day again, living in the present try not to think about what you did yesterday and just go through your day. Every day I wake up God gives me another chance to raise my grade or improve in life. If it was my time to go and I've done everything I can I wouldn't have woken up again. God gave Steve Jobs years upon years to be successful and he did. He's done everything he can do. As I said earlier, he changed the world. And may he rest in peace.

Friday, October 7, 2011

RE: Music

Got this peace off my home girl Bridget.
There's some things that annoy me when it comes to music, now I know everybody has their own taste in music that they enjoy listening to. But for example, when it comes to hip-hop genre for me, I prefer that it's better for people to listen to old school or underground, instead of today's mainstream. Why? Because old school has better lyrics that many other people besides the artist/rapper can relate to the meaning of the song. Compared to today's hip-hop, I hear nothing but cussing, rapping about money, girls, them cocky selves, and getting laid and honestly they can't even rap with rhythm. Even though some of the beats these days sound better, old school keeps it mellow and simple.
I agree 100% with this. Music isn't how it used to be. Even though I didn't grow up with old school hip-hop, I always loved tuning into it. One of my uncles was into old school hip-hop a lot. I remember visiting him and seeing his garage door open. As I step out my car door I hear him blasting some music by A Tribe Called Quest. Who is still one of my favorite rap crews. The time was about 1998 which was when A Tribe Called Quest was on top of their game, and were quite known in the music industry.
Today’s music is all about sex, drugs, prostitutes, or being in jail. Basically they like to rap about things that make them seem tough. The thing I love about old school hip-hop and underground hip-hop is they rarely rap upon that stuff. Old school raps about daily struggles or the success they have, a real story. With underground music, when they rap about the sex and the drugs, they’re making fun and clowning on the people who rap about it. And continue to rap about legitimate things. I call it true lyrics. It isn’t a bunch of repeating. If you listen to both old school and underground they rarely have a chorus where they repeat the same thing all over again. It’s 4 minutes, more or less, of TRUE lyrics.
If you were to chop up the chorus of a rap song nowadays, the song will probably be a minute long. I tend to turn away from the music currently produced and look up songs and do research about old school hip-hop. It is just a lot more enjoyable to listen to. It is literally music to my ears. Scratch that, it is GREAT music to my ears.

CE: Economy

The economy fails to make it better.
Economists had expected Friday's report to say that the economy only replaced 60,000 jobs in September.
The economy has been pretty messed up for the last couple of years. Money is always a problem in this world. Without enough of it, it's difficult to be successful. While people are getting laid off, it changes their lives. It's hard to get a job nowadays. And probably hard to get the same amount of money they get paid from their other job.
           While people make machines, it replaces people and their jobs. It's cheaper and easier for the company with fewer employees to pay. My dad was affected by this awhile back. His job had to move to Portland for money purposes. Either my dad quits and finds another job or my family and I move. And it wasn't guaranteed that you won't get laid off in Portland.
            A few of my dad's coworkers got laid off. All that work for nothing. Packing, moving, and end up with nothing. It's insane how things work around the world. Ever since my dad quit it affected my family quite a bit. Our insurance wasn't as good as my dad's old job was. The benefit from my dad’s insurance was great, but my mom's on the other hand isn't.
             60,000 people jobless. My dad works night shifts now and i barely get to see him. We don't do the things we used like when I was a child. But I've adapted to it and I know how much help they need. I think if this never happened I wouldn't be who I am today. I don't ask for things as often. I don't ask for things I don't need like shoes, cloths, etc. I just work with what I have or buy it with my own money. I believe if this economy does not get any better, the most of the people in the world will be jobless.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


          It's cold in this biatch. Another day at the lab typing up some shit. Feel totally outof it. I'M SUPER DE-DUPER tired. Chilling with the usual homies. Peter the Cheetah, Casandra a.k.a Long Duong, Cody Brodie, Vicky the Goblin, Ben Bulldozer and Kien Phan. Sister hooked it up Sunday with some new jams. Producer 9th Wonder is on my playlist today. I also got some new Phonte, Blu, and JR & PH7. It's finally raining! Everyone seems to enjoy it. I could care less about the weather. I just want it to rain everytime I have P.E so I don't have to run the mile test.
          I went to San Francisco in the Mission District on Saturday. Visit my homie's shop, Benny Gold. Got a new shirt. Since he only has one shop at the moment, he's always there chillin. So a lot of people get to meet him. I visit him pretty often. So everytime we go there he always hooks it up with hella stickers. DOPENESS. After I'm done visiting I roam around Sanf Francisco posting stickers everywhere.
          School is going oh so badly right now. Grades are declining. I got to pick my shit up fast. My mom has a schoolloop so I always come home to some nonsense and a bunch of yelling. But it's just a wake up call for me. School is starting to get a lot harder. I dislike my algebra 2 teacher with a passion. It's whatev's though. I ain't trippen. School is insane. I just want it to be summer again! Every morning I wake up I always want to sleep in. I try and sleep early but when I go to bed it takes me 2 hours to fall alseep.
         I'm so out of it today and I write about the randomest shit. Well then, 'till nest time my lovely peeps. RANDOM FACT: I'm affraid of the dark... Still.